doers of stuff: we’re registered Architects focussed on bespoke outcomes
doers of stuff: we’re registered Architects focussed on bespoke outcomes

Our People

Drawing upon a broad and diverse skillset the team at buck&simple bring a unique approach to every project. From concept to construction, buck&simple have the resources, knowledge, experience and passion to deliver your own piece of awesome.

Peter Ahern
Principal / Architect
Co-Founder & Director

Peter is a registered Architect (#9686) and Member of the Australian Institute of Architects (AIA) with a passion for bespoke design.

Co–founding buck&simple with the aim of approaching the complexities of unique design challenges differently, he draws upon a wealth of experience across a broad range of hospitality, commercial and high end residential projects.

Peter continues to work as a director and enjoys a role in the various projects within the office, bringing attention to detail and an appreciation of design fundamentals in concept, aesthetics, proportion and materiality.

architect sydney residential

“We seek a return to craft, in its elemental form. Architecture should strive to explore the dimensional, atmospheric and tactile possibilities of a space and craft them to enrich the senses.”

Kurt Crisp
Principal / Architect
Co-Founder & Director

Kurt is a registered Architect (#8631) and University of Newcastle double graduate, devoted to delivering emotional results through the physical interplay of the built environment.

With an informed appreciation of what was once termed “romantic regionalism”, Kurt’s conceptual motivation is the search for an ideal built resolution to site, function and opportunity.
As co-founder of buck&simple, Kurt combines lifestyle with family and professional performance, he provides day-to-day service to clients, balancing this with managing the business.

Sydney Architect house design

“Design is a response. It involves an understanding of the physical and emotional. To resolve a design elegantly and with sophistication is a truly inspiring task”

Clelia Dal Col
Senior Interior Designer

M.Architettura IUAV Venice Italy - Clelia is a graduate of the highly regarded IUAV University of Venice. An Italian native, she has an extensive portfolio covering a range of projects both in Australia and in Europe. With an eye for detail, Clelia uses her unique skillset to craft tailored interior and exterior solutions.

architect sydney residential

Bogdan Nacu

Registered Architect #9321
Bogdan believes that good design is borne of the site, and is committed to delivering bespoke projects based on strong environmental principles. Bogdan has a passion for working with existing buildings, and socially responsive design.

architect sydney residential